Education Page...
Well, I did it! I finally got a teaching job. I'm teaching elementary music (K-5) for North Union Local Schools, and boy have I been busy. This is the first chance I've had to update my page since school started at the end of August. I've added several links to teacher resource pages, and some school music supply sites. Thanks to all of you that have been emailing me sites. Keep them coming! I'd like to add even more links to good teacher websites, especially in the area of music education, so if you come across a great website I may have left out, please email it to me! Webmasters, send me the address to your page. I will be more than happy to add a link for you! Happy fall everyone!
Thinking about majoring in music? Check out this website!
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Interested in the piano? Head on over to my piano page!
Current Job Openings
College Career Development Center's List
Wallace's Job Bulletin
Northern University's Job Wire
National Educators
Employment Network
Teacher Resources
Essential Music Education Website
Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators
K-12 Resources for Music Educators
Resources for Music Scholars
Sheet Music, Supplies, etc.
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since October 29, 1999
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Holly Werntz.
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